National Conference for College Women Students (NCCWSL) Scholars 

Scholarship(s) are available each year from the AAUW Brainerd Lakes Area Branch for an individual to attend this conference. Application is in December for the annual conference which is at the end of May.

Contact or check out the NCCWSL site on the AAUW web page for more information.


Yasmine Badio – 2024 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Yasmine Badio, a Central Lakes College student who is the recipient of our scholarship to attended the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) held May 30 to June 1, 2024, at the University of Maryland.

NCCWSL is the premier experience for elevating leadership, advocacy, and equity for college women, with access to dynamic speakers, workshops, and panels. This conference is for women serious about creating meaningful impacts on their campus, mobilizing their communities, and preparing for personal and professional success after graduation.

A graduate of Elk River High School, Badio is a junior enrolled at Central Lakes College in Brainerd. At St. Cloud State University, she served in several volunteer roles promoting leadership, inclusion and diversity services for minorities and Black American students.

Badio described her definition of leadership on her NCCWSL application: “In order to be a leader, you must lead, inspire and motivate others…One characteristic I notice in the world’s greatest leaders is that they were not afraid to stand alone. That’s the kind of leader I want to be. I want to lead people in the right direction, but I also want to trust myself in making the right decisions even if I must stand alone.”

AAUW Minnesota and AAUW Brainerd Lakes Area branch co-sponsor the $1,000 scholarship. The AAUW mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. #AAUW #NCCWSL #CentralLakesCollege #leadershipforwomenandgirls

Shayla Makowski-2021 NCCWSL Presentation