Brainerd Lakes Area AAUW
Facebook: aauw brainerd mn branch
Our Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy.
Our Vision: Equity for all.
Our Values: Nonpartisan. Fact based. Integrity. Inclusion and intersectionality.
If you are wondering…..
We have a year round calendar.
Our meetings and gatherings are typically on Monday evenings, or Saturday mornings.
We urge our members to participate in planned activities, but it is not required.
Interested in joining us? Contact our membership chair, Julie at
Some Facts
Brainerd Lakes Area AAUW Branch was formed in 1963. As of June, 2024, the Branch had 43 members.
The Brainerd Lakes Area AAUW Branch funds local scholarships each year.
It is an affiliate of Minnesota AAUW, organized in 1923, and the national organization AAUW organized in 1881
AAUW was originally called American Association of University Women. It currently has 170,000 members.